It's a boy!

As you probably heard, Benjamin Travolta arrived with us yesterday. Congratulations to John Travolta and Kelly Preston.You can read more here: John Travolta and Kelly Preston Welcome a Son Benjamin was brought into the world using the method known as "Silent Birth", which I would summarize as a birt…
Beautiful Snake Wallpapers And Photos, Pictures

They are generally olive green to brown, although they may be somehwhat yellow or have slight saddle-like splotches off red.Brown tree snakes may be any length from 18 inches as juveniles to over 8 feet long as adults,The saliva of a garter snake may be toxic to amphibians and other small animals. F…
Beautiful Christmas Festival Wallpapers And Image Collections

On the 25th of December, families gather for the Christmas lunch. Of course, children open the presents Father Christmas left under the Christmas tree as soon as they get up in the morning. Santa Claus has been accredited with various names like Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Father Christmas, Kringle,…
John and Kelly and little Benjamin!

Congratulations to John Travolta and Kelly Preston on the arrival of their baby boy, Benjamin.Good news for the nicest two celebrities I know.A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists. — Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard…
Just before I go
23Nov2010More on Silent Birth

If you are interested in what "Silent Birth" really is then here is a complete rundown from the Church of Scientology itself:MEDIA ADVISORY ON SILENT BIRTHIn view of recent incorrect media reports about "Silent Birth" the Church of Scientology International advises the media about the background and…
Dreamy World
15Nov2010Hot Brooke Burke Wallpaper Gallery

Brooke Lisa Burke is an American television personality, model and occasional dancer. She is a known celebrity for hosting Wild On!, Rock Star and for winning the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars and for co-hosting Dancing With the Stars starting in 2010 (Season 10). Burke was born in Hartf…