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30Aug2009New Church in Music City, USA

The opening day in Nashville, more than 3,000 Scientologists and guests toured the new Church of Scientology and Celebrity Centre, just a mile from "Music Row". Havi…
Andrew Dice Clay

Andrew Dice Clay is a stand-up comedian and actor best known for his raunchy stand-up comedy routine during the late-1980s. Clay was very successful for several years until the public quickly tired of his highly profane shtick.Clay's birth name is Andrew Clay Silverstein and he was born on Septembe…
Visit Travel Videos Blog

What is now known throughout the world of Scientology as the "Golden Age of Knowledge" was inaugurated by Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center (RTC), Mr. David Miscavige, in March 2005. It is the single most embracive RTC program in history and reflects literally hundreds of thousands o…
Scientologists I've seen lately in TV and Movies
Without trying I've spotted several Scientologists on TV and in movies in just the last week.It started with an old episode of Stargate SG-1 (what a superb show) starring Corin Nemec as "Jonas Quinn" then came the movie Flightplan co-starring Erika Christensen (an edge of your seat thriller starring…