Jeremy JacksonJeremy Jackson

Jeremy Jackson is a former child actor best known for his role as Hobie Buchanan, the son of David Hasselhoff’s star character Mitch Buchanan on the successful syndicated TV show Baywatch. Jackson played Hobie Buchanan from 1991-1999. Fans of Baywatch saw Jackson grow from a youth into a young adult…

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Brice BeckhamBrice Beckham

Brice Beckham is a former child star who played the character Wesley T. Owens on the sitcom Mr. Belvedere which was originally aired on ABC from 1985-1990. Wesley was the little runt who would antagonize his family's housekeeper, Mr. Belvedere, played by veteran British actor Christopher Hewitt.Beck…

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Natasha LyonneNatasha Lyonne

Natasha Lyonne is an actress who has appeared in a number of TV shows and movies over the past 20 years. She started out as a child actor on the popular 1980s Saturday morning TV show Pee-Wee's Playhouse. Born in 1979, Natasha is best known for her role as “Jessica” in the 1999 hit movie American Pi…

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Corey HaimCorey Haim

Corey Haim was one of Hollywood's top teen stars in the late 80s. He must have felt like he was on top of the world at the time. However, immaturity and the lure of illicit drugs and fast food became his obsession as he threw away his career and flamed out in a spectacular collapse, becoming one of …

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Dustin DiamondDustin Diamond

Dustin Diamond is the most washed-up celebrity of his generation and one of the most washed-up former child stars in the history of television. I had four separate entries for Diamond on the Washed-Up Celebrities list on the right side of this blog and decided they were taking up too much space. Hot…

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Dustin Diamond (2000 - Present)Dustin Diamond (2000 - Present)

Dustin Diamond has experienced much turmoil in his own life ever since Saved By The Bell: The New Class was canceled in 2000. Diamond has declared bankruptcy, dealt with harassment both on the Internet and in the mainstream media, participated in a Celebrity Boxing match, participated in an unpopula…

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Dustin Diamond – The Early YearsDustin Diamond – The Early Years

Dustin Diamond is the epitome of the term “washed-up celebrity.” He rose from obscurity to become a child star on a the Saturday morning TV high school sitcom, Saved By The Bell, despite a complete lack of good looks, charisma, acting ability, or comedic talent.Diamond played the character "Screech"…

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